Group Members

Rachele Stefania

Rachele Stefania

Research Fellow

PhD Biochemistry, University of Torino
MSc Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, University of Torino
office: +39 0116706452

My research activity is focused on ...

My research activity is focused on the design and synthesis of MRI, Optical or Photoacoustic Imaging probes; synthesis, purification and characterization of functionalized systems of various nature for bioconjugation to biological carriers, for the visualization of tumor cells and neuroinflammation. Technical manager for instrumentations.

Francesca Arena

Francesca Arena

Research Fellow

PhD in Biochemistry, University of Torino
MSc in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, University of Torino
office: +39 +390125561876

My research focuses on ...

My research mainly focused on the design of innovative MRI-based imaging probes for the development and preclinical validation of improved diagnostic/theranostic procedures.

Francesca Garello

Francesca Garello

Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Torino
MSc Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, University of Torino
office: +39 0116706452

My research is devoted to ...

My research is devoted to the design and test of molecular imaging probes to visualize and monitor inflammatory processes by 1H and 19F Magnetic Resonance, Optical and Photoacoustic Imaging. My expertise covers the preparation and characterization of various targeted nano/microsystems, in vitro toxicity and binding assays, and in vivo validation of the designed probes in preclinical models of inflammation. Thanks to various collaborations, I achieved a deep knowledge of MR Imaging and Spectroscopy as applied to the study of the central nervous system. Recently, my research interest focused on the molecular imaging of prostate cancer by means of targeted probes suitable for MRI and Image Guided Surgery.

Ivan Hawala

Ivan Hawala

PhD Student

MSc in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, University of Torino
office: +39 0116706476

My project aims to ...

My research project aims to design and synthesize novel AAZTA derivatives suitable for the conjugation with peptides or other relevant molecular vectors, to be included in a 'cold kit', which allows the labelling with PET radionuclides, obtained from a cyclotron or eluted from a commercial generator. Competences: HPLC, LC−MS, CE, TLC, KF, potentiometric titrations, SPPS (manual and automatic, CEM-Liberty peptide synthetizer), organic synthesis, purifications (manual: silica column chromatography, desalting on resins; automatic: preparative HPLC, COMBIFLASH, BIOTAGE, AKTA PURIFIER), Bruker 600 MHz (qNMR, high resolution spectra, 1H−NMR, 13C−NMR, 2D−NMR), radiolabelling moduls with commercial generators.

Deyssy Patrucco

Deyssy Patrucco

PhD Student

MSc Molecular Biotechnology, University of Torino
office: +39 0116706493

My research project aims to ...

My research project aims to design and synthesize novel AAZTA derivatives suitable for the The main aim of my PhD project is the preclinical development of a new MRI−guided therapeutic strategy to cure the ovarian cancer. The procedure is based on the systemic administration of theranostic nanocarriers followed by a tumour-directed application of combined sequence of nonthermal ultrasounds. The ultimate goals of my project are to improve the therapeutic performance of the drug, reducing the side effects and predicting the long−term outcome on an individual basis.